Sandy Star and Ghost Black has been consistently Number 1 on Number 1 Music Charts in Miami Florida. Fans Absolutely love Sandy Star's Amazing voice, and continue to keep her rising to the top of the charts. I'm leaving you, and You Don't love me both hit number 1 on the charts. Thank You to all our fans for making this possible. Number1 Music
Ghost Black: Interview on Artist PR
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in it's full entirely. Ghost Black on Artist PR
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Ghost Black has been pretty busy these days. . Ghost Black has released Three Singles this year working along side with the Amazingly talented Super Star, Sandy Star. Ghost Black is working on two different albums, and he Also plans on releasing another Single before the end of 2019. No time for Sleep, the hustle is real, I can't stop, I refuse not to be great, stopping now would only be a mistake.
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Ghost Black: Has been getting plenty of attention since the release of his new smash hit single Super Kinte. Rap music has change alot, but Ghost Black stays consistent with his lyrical assault on the Industry. Ghost Black said in a interview, that he would continue to make the music he believes in and what he think fans of music love. I will not follow trends, i'll continue on the path of my musical journey and set my own expectations which is truly high. Lyrics matter, they always have and always will. Ghost Black Quote: (I don't Need to be famous, I just need to exist Forever)
If you love a beautiful voice with great harmony and melody then you came to the right place. Sandy Star is AMAZING. Once you hear her voice you instantly become captivated and have no choice but to fall in LOVE with her Amazing Singing voice. She's incredible, the hit single Entitled: (You Lied) Won song of the month. And is starting to get some Attention ACROSS THE GLOBE. Many people will start to realize The Greatness of The Sensational Sandy Star.